
This blog is created to assist those who desire to walk with Christ with a greater passion.

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Pastor Phil

Pastor Phil
Teachng the Word

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Servants in the Wings

December 19: Servants in the Wings

I Chronicles 28:21
21 The divisions of the priests and Levites are ready for all the work on the temple of God, and every willing man skilled in any craft will help you in all the work. The officials and all the people will obey your every command."
When God gets ready to deliver a people he always prepares the leaders and the people who will follow the leaders. As Solomon sought after God and learned how to know his voice he was given power to understand the plans of the temple and then he was given the ability to communicate that plan to those who were gifted and ready to serve in this position.

We see this lived out in Matthew 9:36-38 when Jesus looks at the harvest and says to his disciples “Look at the fields they are white already for harvest. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest that he may send laborers out into his fields.” God has called us to reach the nations and now he bids us to pray for laborers who are ready in the wings to go to work in reaching the harvest..

This is the next step in obeying God, praying for laborers. None of us can reach the harvest alone so we must pray and ask the Lord for laborers for the harvest. The temple is great and the work is impossible for this is a work of God and not for man. So our responsibility is to pray for laborers so let us follow the command of our Lord and set our hearts to interceding that we may have more laborers for the harvest.

God raise up those you have already set aside for the harvest and let us use them as good stewards,

Pastor phil

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