
This blog is created to assist those who desire to walk with Christ with a greater passion.

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Pastor Phil

Pastor Phil
Teachng the Word

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Finding Joy in the Midst of Despair

Often after the holiday season many find themselves in the throws of despair or depression. Things they had put their hopes in did not offer the deliverance from the fleshly word that we live in. They open of some gift bringing with it the form of lasting hope and peace does not materialize and once again life is thrown into the regular often mundane, even depressing situations of living in a fallen world.

Where shall we find our hope in such case? Does the Christian life have any offer to those who find themselves in this season of gloom? From one who often finds himself ins such cases hear these words clearly; the Gospel is our only hope for deliverance from such states. As David spoke to his own soul we must speak to ours, "Put your hope in God for I shall yet praise him who is my savior and my God." Psalms 42

We are commanded by Scripture to put our hope in God alone not in what we feel or in what we do to find our deliverance. Are you depressed, in the pits, feeling gloomy? Then look away from your despair unto Christ. See him standing at the right hand of the Father serving as your righteousness. The day of your eternal redemption is coming and the guarantee that you will not be in this pit forever is Christ, your redeemer. Look unto him and be ye saved all ye ends of the earth.

IN the same manner that you looked to Him for salvation at first you must look to him in this for he alone is your only hope. We labor in this hope for he who promised is faithful and he will rescue, though for a season if need be we may be in heaviness for our Sovereign God's appointed ends, which are always for our good and for His glory. Let us therefore boast in our weakness, though it be finding ourselves often in such places, for we shall soon be caught up to be with the Lord forever at the last trumpet call of God.

Surely now we can see that these times are meant for our savoring and rejoicing in our Lord when he comes for us, for had we not such pits of despair we would not savor the rescue of our Savior. SO let us rejoice when we find ourselves in such places for this is working for us a more sweet release when he comes for us.

Looking Unto Jesus, the Author and Hallelujah the Finisher of my Faith,

Pastor phil

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