
This blog is created to assist those who desire to walk with Christ with a greater passion.

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Pastor Phil

Pastor Phil
Teachng the Word

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Salvation of A Great Sinner

January 5: Luke 15:20 (NIV)
20 So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.

What is necessary to understand for a full and meaningful walk with the Lord in this world? Some may answer, “Your theology must be perfect. You must not have any unworthy thoughts of God." Others may respond, “Make sure your life is ordered only be the Scriptures and that you possess no unwholesome practices in you." Still others reply, “Care not for anything but that you are saved and worry not about such things as theology, behavior or the like, and just live your life."

A man who was well known for his rejection and open ridicule of the Christian faith and its dictates would spend the first almost thirty years in complete wanton disregard for the truths of the gospel. He would live as a reprobate and encourage others in the same way. Even though he had been spared numerous times from certain death on the high seas and in ordinary life routines he would not turn to Christ.
He had attempted a few occasions of living the Christian life but all to no avail. These turns would only last a few months or at best a couple of years but he would once again return each time to greater reprobation. What would be his hope? From where would he find his deliverance? He tried to turn to the churches of his day only to find false teachers filling her pulpits. He tried reading books on religion or philosophy but nothing seemed to work. It would be a gradual awakening over time after being delivered from certain death on the high seas one more time that he would begin in earnest to seek after this God who had spared his life time and again.

How would God receive such a person who had spent the first part of his life living in wanton disregard for the things of God? The text before us today answers much to the shock of the world, that our Great Redeemer does not wait for us to come home he runs after us and finds us in the far country and as we turn to him he runs towards us to receive us. Can this be true? Yes Church this is the truth which we have received and on which we stake our claim. The good news of the gospel is that when we once see the utter hopelessness of our condition we will find our Savior running toward us with open arms.

O Holy Spirit come and bring your conviction of sin that we might see our utter brokenness so we too can be rescued as the great hymn writer John Newton who penned these wonderful words for us, “Amazing grace how sweet the sound the that saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found was blind but now I see.”

Proclaiming such an Amazing Grace,

Pastor phil

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