
This blog is created to assist those who desire to walk with Christ with a greater passion.

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Taking a Good look at Scripture

Pastor Phil

Pastor Phil
Teachng the Word

Monday, January 4, 2010

The Greatest Promise

January 2: Matthew 28:18-20 (RSV)
18 And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, to the close of the age."
How shall this year fare when the calendar is finalized at the end of 2010? What promise can we take with us into this coming year that will sustain us and give us hope in the midst of challenging times? I suggest we take this verse from Matthew with us for it has been the foundation and the support of two of my favorite missionaries of all time, John Paton and David Livingstone.

David Livingstone was often heard to say, that this text is the word of a gentleman and I shall trust the word of such a gentleman. John Paton learned early on in his young childhood that he could take this promise and live off of it because he had witnessed his father living off such a promise every day of his life as he led his family in worship at the start and end of each day.

It would be this promise that would sustain John Paton as he went to minister among cannibals in the New Hebrides islands in the middle to late 1800’s. For our consideration today let me share one day in the life of John Paton as he jived among violent cannibal tribes.

The tribes that Paton had gone to minster among had circled around him several times to take his life. The following is one such record. “On one occasion when Paton was preaching in one of the villages, three sacred men stood up and declared that they could kill him by Nahak or sorcery, if only they could get possession of any piece of fruit or food of which he had eaten. Being thus challenged, he resolved, with his Lord's help, to strike a blow at the tremendous power for evil wielded by the sorcerers. After taking a bite out of three plums, he handed one of them to each of the sacred men. The natives were astounded at his action and momentarily expected to see him fall over dead, as the sorcerers proceeded with their incantations. With many gesticulations and mutterings, they rolled up in leaves the three plums, kindled a sacred fire and burned them. "Stir up your gods to help you," urged Paton. "I am not killed. In fact I am perfectly well."

At length the sorcerers said that they would call all the sacred men together and that they would kill Missi before the next Sabbath arrived. Paton told the people he would meet them at that same place the next Sabbath morning. Great excitement prevailed on the island. Every day messengers came from different quarters inquiring if the white man was ill. Sabbath morning he appeared before the people in sound health and said: "Now you must admit that your gods have no power over me and that I am protected by the true and living God. He is the only God who can hear and answer prayer. He loves all human beings, despite their great wickedness, and He sent His dear Son, Jesus, to save from sin all who will believe and follow Him." (Copyright 2009 www.WholesomeWords.org)

There would be many other times in Paton and Livingstone and countless other missionary lives that would stake all their hope on this one text. It served the faith of those who have gone before us well so let us take this text and set our affections on it as well as we seek to make the gospel known in our day.

Staking My Claim on his promise, “I am with you always.”

Pastor phil

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